If you haven’t been able to get along in your marriage, it may seem unlikely that you will be able to work together to end your marriage. There can, however, be significant advantages, if you can find a way to resolve your differences amicably. This blog post looks at the advantages and disadvantages of contested and uncontested divorce proceedings in Texas. At the office of Len Conner & … [Read more...]
Collaborative Divorce in Texas: An Overview
Understanding the Collaborative Divorce Process in Texas Your marriage may be over, but you may have many reasons to try to resolve your differences amicably. A cooperative effort can save both of you a lot of money. If you have minor children, you can minimize the trauma they experience by working together to move forward, and your children can avoid having to take sides. In recent years, the … [Read more...]
The Termination of Parental Rights in Texas
There are a number of situations in Texas where it becomes necessary to terminate the rights of a biological parent. You may be a stepparent seeking to adopt the children of a new spouse—to do so, you must terminate the non-custodial parents rights. There may be evidence of child abuse, neglect or abandonment. At Len Conner & Associates, P.C., we understand the process for obtaining a … [Read more...]
Relocation After Divorce – Your Rights When a Minor Child Is Involved
Relocating when you are subject to a child custody or visitation agreement has always been complex. Since the economy turned downward several years ago, many parents have faced a new urgency; the need to move for a job opportunity in another part of Texas or the U.S. Regardless of the reason for your need to relocate with your minor child following a divorce or paternity dispute, count on the … [Read more...]
Texas Divorce and Members of the Military
Things to Consider as a Member of the Armed Forces Members of the armed forces and their spouses know that, as enlisted individuals, military members often face unique challenges. It frequently comes as a surprise to learn, though, that military members and their families can face unique challenges during divorce proceedings. For instance: Unique rules and laws govern the division of military … [Read more...]
Parental Alienation Syndrome
Children are innocents when it comes to divorce. For the most part, children would never choose for their parents to be separated or divorced. Texas family law courts recognize this. Judges make decisions about custody that are in the best interests of any minor children. Unfortunately, custody laws cannot prevent one parent from choosing to alienate or try to destroy the bond that the other … [Read more...]
Advantages of Collaborative Divorce in Texas
Collaborative law offers divorcing Texas couples an alternative to a traditional divorce. Collaborative divorce aims to eliminate the adversarial process and remove the fear and anxiety in divorce. This approach to divorce draws on the resources of both spouses to collaborate to find solutions that work for the transitioning family. Unlike a traditional divorce, which focuses on the legal issues, … [Read more...]