Advantages of Collaborative Divorce in Texas

Collaborative law offers divorcing Texas couples an alternative to a traditional divorce. Collaborative divorce aims to eliminate the adversarial process and remove the fear and anxiety in divorce. This approach to divorce draws on the resources of both spouses to collaborate to find solutions that work for the transitioning family.

Unlike a traditional divorce, which focuses on the legal issues, a collaborative approach to divorce acknowledges that there are also emotional issues involved. The process may include professionals with resources to help divorcing couples, including parenting specialists, counselors, financial advisors, appraisers and others.

In a collaborative divorce each individual spouse retains an attorney. All parties agree not to go to court. If for some reason each side cannot agree, then the collaborative process will end and each attorney is not allowed to participate further in the divorce case. The couple will need to start over from the beginning.

Characteristics of a collaborative divorce include:

• Respect. Each spouse agrees to be respectful to all those involved in the divorce.
• Protect the children. Each spouse agrees to keep the children out of the process as much as possible and to put the children’s needs first.
• Disclose documents. Each spouse agrees to be honest about document and information disclosure pertaining to any aspect of the divorce. No cheating or taking advantage of mistakes on either side.
• Court not an option. No spouse is allowed to go to court under collaborative law. If, however, the spouse cannot come to an agreement, then the collaborative agreement will end but the process will need to start over with different attorneys.
• Healing Solutions. The idea is that both spouses work toward a solution that fosters stability, health and success for everyone as the family restructures.

Remove the Fear From Divorce—Call About Collaborative Law: 972-445-1500 or 817-288-4168.

Rather than adding stress and pain on top of the challenges you are already facing, you may want to consider a collaborative divorce. To learn more about collaborative divorce and if it’s the right approach for you and you family, speak with an experienced collaborative law attorney at Len Conner & Associates, in Irving, Texas. Call (972) 445-1500 or (817) 288-4168 if you’re in the Dallas / Fort Worth Area. Call us toll free at 1 (877) 613-5800 or email our office to schedule your appointment.

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Len Conner & Associates

600 John Carpenter Freeway,
Ste 238
Irving, Texas 75062


Phone: 972-445-1500

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